Css Templates

Buy website templates for a low price. Small adjustments is included in the price (e.g changing the text in the psd file, saving it as jpg, and send it to the customer). Some of the website templates also have a free version available for download (psd file is not included in the free version). Our webdesign makes it fast and affordable to set up a professional web site. Please, do not hesitate to make contact if you have any questions, you can use the online form here. All payments is done with , which accepts all major creditcards.

Body & Mind
Valid xhtml 1.0 strict
Valid css 2.1
A css template with focus on body and mind
Perfect for spa, recreation centres and other websites focused on the body and mind
Also easy to edit the theme to something else if needed
Psd files is included

Webpage Thumbnailer
Create screenshot thumbnails faster than lightning with this neat little application.
Simply type in the adress to the website you want a screenshot of and choose thumbnail size.
Formats supported: jpg, gif and bmp
A typical use of this software is when you are writing a blog, posting to a forum or writing an article, and you want to refer to a website. It will look look nicer, and much more interesting if you add a picture of the website you are reffering to.
The normal process would then be like this:
1. Open a web-browser
2. Navigate to the webpage
3. Click on “print screen”
4. Open a program, e.g Paint or Photoshop (takes about 20 seconds to open)
5. Create a new document, paste the image
6. Crop the image
7. Resize it down to a specific size
8. Save it
With Webpage Thumbnailer, it’s done in 3 quick steps:
1. Open Webpage Thumbnailer
2. Write the url of the site
3. Click on save
You will save minutes on each article, blog or whatever you’re writing!

Easy Favicon Maker
It is very important to be visible in peoples bookmarks. If you do not have a favicon, it’s very likely that people might forget or overlook your bookmark.
Easy Favicon Maker is a neat little application for making favicons for your website.

Rss Downloader
It has become very popular to display RSS feeds on websites. This is an easy way to always display fresh content on your website, without having to manually update it. But there is a drawback also. When you link your site to one or more external Rss feeds, the website has to “go and get” the feed on every visit you get. This slows the loading time of your webpage severely.
If you have 10 visitors accessing your site at the same time, the webpage has to make 10 roundtrips to the external source to get the RSS feed. If you have 3 feeds on your page, it’s going to be 30 roundtrips when the 10 visitors access the website. As you can imagine, this will slow your loading time.

Rss Downloader works like this:
You use the built in Configurationmanager to set up and save all the jobs you have. A job defines the url to the rss feed, the ftp server to upload it to (the server where the site is), and many other options, such as how often it should download and upload the feed to your website. This way, you run RssDownloader on you pc, or on any machine, it will download all the Rss feeds in your jobs, and also upload them to the server(s) that you have defined in the jobs. It’s very easy to set up, you don’t have to be a “geek”, you only need to know the url of the feed you want to get, and the ftp login information to the server that hosts your website. Then set the path to the RSS feed to the local feed that you uploaded. The Rss feeds will then be loaded from that file on your website, no roundtrips is necessary!
Very easy to configure!
Important info:
This application can also be used to download and upload any file you want. It does not have to be a RSS feed, it could be a picture, mp3, html file, whatever you want. It’s only your imagination that sets the limit.

Valid xhmtl 1.0 transitional
Valid css 2.1
Stylish and beautiful template
Very easy to edit both the xhtml/css code and the psd file
Suitable theme for many types of websites
PSD included in the full version