Css Templates

Buy website templates for a low price. Small adjustments is included in the price (e.g changing the text in the psd file, saving it as jpg, and send it to the customer). Some of the website templates also have a free version available for download (psd file is not included in the free version). Our webdesign makes it fast and affordable to set up a professional web site. Please, do not hesitate to make contact if you have any questions, you can use the online form here. All payments is done with , which accepts all major creditcards.

Pro Design css template
Contains 3 full pages.
A colorful and very nice css, xhtml template.
It’s packed with Ajax, both the menu, which has a sliding effect, and also the sliding rotating “ads” in the right of the page.
The “References” is also shown in a very nice way, be sure to check the demo to see it in action.
No doubt, you’re gonna rule the streets with this website!
All psd files is included.

This template is also available as a full website, containing 4 pages, including a working contact form. Please see the ASP.NET category.

Pro Design
This is a full website, coded in asp.net, but you’ll also get a html version included.
It contains 4 complete pages, and a fully working contact form. The only thing you need to edit, is your email address, where the contact form goes to. The instructions on how to edit is included as a readme file. You do not have to know any asp.net to do this.
It’s packed with Ajax, both the menu, which has a sliding effect (see video), and also the sliding rotating “ads” in the right of the page (see video).
The “References” is also shown in a very nice way, be sure to check the video to see it in action.
No doubt, you’re gonna rule the streets with this website!
Video link here
Screenshot of the contact page
Screenshot of the references page

You can edit every file in any text editor, e.g notepad. Then you can upload the files to your webhost, with asp.net activated on the webhost.
All psd files is included.

Recording Studio
This css template is the ultimate layout for a recording studio. It has been made ready to use with the Wimpy mp3 player, which is an aweseome mp3 player made for streaming mp3’s easy on your site. Just upload the mp3 file to your folder, and it appears instantly in the playlist.
The mp3 player does not contain any mp3 songs in the demo below. But if you click on “Soundsamples”, you can see the mp3 player slides in.
It also has the a very nice list-style used to list equipment in this example.
It is also very easy to edit
To see the sliding mp3 player in use, check out the video here.

Drum Site
This css template is perfect for drummers. It’s also suitable for bands.
It is made ready to use with the Wimpy mp3 player, one of the best players for streaming mp3. The mp3 player does not contain any songs in the demo below (it will appear in the black line when songs are added).

Get Educated
Valid css 2.1 and xhtml 1.0 Transitional
A template with emphasise on a clean and simple layout.
A nice typography is also used
Very easy to edit